pro-micron annual review 2024 and outlook for 2025
The year 2024 will be remembered as an economically turbulent and historically memorable year. For pro-micron, it was one of the most important years since the company was founded.
WeiterlesenHelen Blomqvist, CEO of SANDVIK Coromant, visits pro-micron.
We recently had the honor of welcoming Helen Blomqvist (CEO, SANDVIK Coromant) as well as Sanela Lundqvist (Vice President HR) and Rüdiger Mannherz (CFO).
The personal visit was highly appreciated by our employees and strengthened the feeling of really being part of the Sandvik family.
The aim was to personally introduce pro-micron in general.
Weiterlesenspike® and fusion at EMO Hanover 2023
Do you know your actual tool life? Our trade fair team presented new developments around the spike® model series at the EMO in Hanover from September 18. – 23. In cooperation with numerous partners, we put together four different spike® Use Cases. In these Use Cases our sensory tool holder spike®_mobile as well as our…
WeiterlesenSearching for new talent – university fairs 2023
We were represented by our pro-micron trade fair team at the university trade fairs in Augsburg and Kempten. With our unique trade fair demonstrators, we showed many interested students what pro-micron is all about. Innovative technologies, exciting fields of work and very good future prospects…
WeiterlesenTemperature sensor tip_300 at Coiltech 2023
Coiltech Augsburg 2023 – Recap On March 29th and 30th it was that time again. We were on the road with our tip_300 sensor module at the Coiltech in Augsburg. As at past trade shows, our unique wireless sensor was a highlight for many visitors. Especially the focus on different areas like Formula 1, aerospace…
Weiterlesenpro-micron team event at the Grünten
Let’s go, the fun begins! – that was our motto when we started our pro-micron team event on Friday, February 10, 2023. A hike, tobogganing in the evening and of course good food were not to be missed. And for the adventurous there was the possibility to go skiing the following day.
Weiterlesenspike® – sensory tool holder made in Germany
Manufacturing from a single source Our smart tool control system spike® is made in Germany. All of our products are manufactured on site in Kaufbeuren in the Allgäu region. Thus, the entire production chain can be bundled at one location, which ensures our usual quality. The employees involved in the individual production steps are very…
Weiterlesentip_300 sensor technology at CWIEME Berlin 2022
With the tip_300 sensor technology at CWIEME 2022 Thank you for the numerous visits to our booth at CWIEME 2022 in Berlin. The product tip_300 has aroused great interest among many visitors. We had exciting discussions about the advantages of our tip_emotion sensor technology and are very pleased to be able to equip further test…
WeiterlesenMonitoring grinding pressure with spike® – GrindTec 2022
That’s what GrindTec 2022 was like We were very pleased about interesting and exciting discussions, which revolved around the spike® and its use in grinding wheel development, process analysis, process monitoring, cooling lubricant application, and other areas. Measure grinding pressure directly on the grinding wheel Benefit: Detection of… Examples – PDF Technical data sheet -…
WeiterlesenRelease of the new Software-tool spike®_map
We are proud to present the new spike_map. You can see how to solve daily challenges for components with high quality requirements: